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Announcing Knative 1.6 Release

A new version of Knative is now available across multiple components.

Follow the instructions in Installing Knative to install the components you require.

This release brings a number of smaller improvements to the core Knative Serving and Eventing components, and several improvements to specific plugins, in particular net-kourier, net-gateway-api, and eventing-rabbitmq.

Table of Contents


Release Notes

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • The HTTPRedirect feature is stable and the feature flag has been removed. This feature enabled use of the annotation to configure HTTP -> HTTPS redirect on a per-service basis. #13084
  • The Serving API no longer rejects unknown fields, and instead relies on the kubernetes apiserver to prune (remove) those fields. #13095, #13111


Release Notes

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Parallel was creating invalid subscriptions in some cases. #6405


Release Notes

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • Eventing support for the --broker-config flag has been added to broker create #1700
  • Serving support for --probe-* flags have been added to manage service liveness and readiness #1697
  • Serving support for mounting EmptyDir and PersistentVolumeClaims has been added #1679, #1693


Release Notes

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • The operator supports overriding the default broker class. #1123
  • Implement minAvailable in PodDisruptionBudget. #1125

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • The v1alpha1 versions have been removed. #1104

Networking Extensions

kourier plugin

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • Add a new experimental configuration parameter to separate internal traffic for different namespaces by TCP port. This should enable use of NetworkPolicy with Knative. #852
  • Experimentally enable filtered secret watches when using AutoTLS. This should provide performance improvements in large clusters. #862

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fix SNI when using proxy_protocol. #869

Gateway-API plugin

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • Adds support for AutoTLS #316

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Network programming probes now respect the Service port of the gateway. #310

Eventing Extensions

Apache Kafka Source

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Deletion of KafkaSource resources now properly cleans up internal scheduling resources. #1206

RabbitMQ Broker and Source

Breaking Changes

  • Some deprecated fine-grained configuration options have been removed from RabbitMQSource. #800
  • RabbitMQSource now uses a RabbitCluster reference like the Broker. #801
  • RabbitMQSource parameters have been re-arranged into logical groups. #810

πŸ’« New Features & Changes

  • Message pre-fetch is now automatically set to 100, increasing steady-state throughput. #856
  • Added the ability to configure queue types in RabbitmqBrokerConfig. #808
  • Support for RabbitMQ ClusterReference connection secrets. #822

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where RabbitMQSource objects with retries configured could crash when receiving an error from the event destination. #831

Thank you, contributors

Release Leads:


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